Wednesday, May 13, 2009

With a great deal of apprehension....

Good morning! I was in the number of people who groaned when the email for this week came for 23 Thing n@. I have a good friend and a son who blog and I visit some sporadically but I'm not too keen on the process. Why would anyone out there want to know what I think? I don't even want to know what I think sometimes! Oh well, here goes and who knows? I might actually enjoy this.


  1. Hi Grace! Glad you got your blog up and running. I think it's normal to feel that way about the things you write - keep in mind that when the course is over, you can delete your blog if it isn't a tool you think you'll keep and use.

    Looking forward to reading more entries as the 23 Things roll on!


  2. Grace, do you remember me from library school long ago?! Kara Falck. We had a couple classes together...I didn't know you became a school librarian. Neato! I think you'll have witty and smart things to say on your blog. :)

  3. I think we're all often surprised at how interested others are in our lives, thoughts, opinions. I'm certainly interested in your take on all these 23 Things for sure!
